I don’t even know where to begin with this post. I’m completely overwhelmed. My mind is a complete mess, full of questions, wonder, excitement, fear, joy, etc. Partly because I know Baby J is well on his/her way to entering this world and he/she let’s me know that everyday, constantly :O) Last time I was grocery shopping, I promise I thought Baby J was going to push right through my belly button (or what’s left of it. That’s gross; sorry!) and grab the bag of harvest cheddar Sunchips for me. lol. (still craving cheese!) I can’t imagine trying to actually grocery shop with a little one in the buggy; there’s no telling what it will actually pull from the shelf and slip into the buggy! Let the adventures begin!
I am very attached to my dog. I can only imagine attachment to a child being ten times stronger. Recently I found myself thinking how hard it will be to see this baby that isn’t even born yet, go off to college. It made me feel a little better when I discovered Jason had considered all this as well. We’re both scared out of our wits, to be honest!
The last couple of weeks of the 2nd trimester have gone well. Actually, my whole pregnancy experience has been wonderful! The only changes from the last pregnancy update is that I’ve reached the point that I am waking at like 4am HONGRY and I’m finding it very comfy to sleep with a pillow between my legs… guess my hips are expanding or something?!? Baby J, as mentioned earlier, became VERY active around 25weeks, especially in the evenings when I try to relax and sleep :o) It’s kind of neat and weird at the same time, seeing my tummy just rolling around underneath my shirt.
I attended a series of four classes on childbirth education; Jason attended two of the four which is pretty good for him! :O) And poor thing, the ones he made it to were “Introduction to Childbirth and Labor” and “Complications of Childbirth and Labor.” He thought the first class was very informative; it helped calm his anxiety a bit after learning about some of the changes that I would experience are NORMAL. But then he went to the class on complications… and has been a nervous wreck ever since, wondering what the “birth day” will bring for me and baby. He’s worried more about that day than I am. lol.
April 2009… let the showers begin. I have been blessed with a multitude of wonderful friends and family in my life and they are all extremely excited about Baby J. I have a feeling this will be one spoiled little one. Baby J will be the first grandchild on both sides of our family so we have some really ecstatic future grandparents as well! April 16 the bunco ladies here in TN are throwing us a shower; and the last weekend in April, I have 3 showers in one weekend in SC! WOW. I’m just so excited and thankful!! This will be a BIG help financially. Thank you all for remembering us in this way!!!!!! We can’t express our gratitude enough!
If you are wondering how much longer until Baby J’s arrival, I’ve placed a counter on the right side of this blog that counts the days… 2 mths and 16 days to go! Crazy how time flies… and to think, all we have is a baby mattress at this point :O/
It is amazing how much you can love a little person you just met and how that love just grows and grows. No one can really tell you how it is until you experience it. Do you have a bassinet? Not sure what your plans are at the beginning, but if you have the crib in a different room a bassinet is great to have in your room right by you if your nursing. I have one you can use if you like. Just let me know. Good luck! I hope you get tons of great stuff at the showers!