Becoming a mother almost 2 years ago *sigh, why do they grow so fast?* brought my life, as I knew it, to a screeching halt. God is teaching me patience in a form that I’ve never known it before. I would plan my days out hour-by-hour and not miss a beat. Somewhat OCD about it actually. I could accomplish errands in two hours flat. I paid all bills on time. I loved to grocery shop and could be home with two weeks worth of groceries in 2 hours. I washed all laundry, folded, and put them away in the same day. I deep-cleaned the house one day a week. These things made me happy and defined me!
Little by little, I become more relaxed on my OCD habits and just let it fall by the way side, it seems. I’m learning more and more each day how to cope with this. Yes, how. It has been a big, BIG adjustment for me. And to think all I thought I would have to adjust to was tending to a baby. hehe. I still do all the above mentioned tasks, just not with the enthusiasm I once had. I have better reasons to be enthused now! Actually the tasks above have become dreaded chores because I would rather spend my God-given time picking berries, chasing bubbles, racing micro-machines, playing in the dirt, looking at bugs, picking wildflowers, feeding the birds, and the list goes on. Don’t get me wrong, I’ve always enjoyed these outdoor activities, but having an ‘almost’ 2 year old (holding off on that as long as I can) makes it all the more memorable! And you can bet, my camera is right there with!
God reminds me daily to be still; to soak in the beauty around me; to be thankful for what I do have, not worry about what I don’t have or am not accomplishing. Moment’s like this one from right here in my yard.
Peace be to you. Happy Monday!
Very true girl! Beautiful photo!