I realize now that I took for granted the fact that I used to live only 3 hours from the SC coast; every summer my family would spend two weeks at the beach– more specifically, Edisto Beach. Being land-locked in TN isn’t so bad, but when summer rolls around I yearn for some coastal living.
My definition of a beach vacation is a little different than some. I think of camping, crabbing, striking, and fishing; low country boils, long walks down the beach to Jeremy Inlet, and bike rides around the island. My memories of Edisto go WAY back to childhood. We would stay every summer in the Wooten’s house fighting off huge spiders and eating somewhat salty ice cubes. Daddy would take us to the golf course and throw the cast net for us so we could catch golf balls– I still have my favorite orange one.
I don’t know why, but later on in life my parents invested in the Scotty camper by the caravan manufacturers; new adventures in mind for the fam I guess. It was tiny but we were oh so proud that we could sleep 5 people in that thing; not to mention, brush your teeth, take a shower and use the bathroom all at the same time in the claustrophobic little space designated for that. Then after we survived those 2 weeks, we sold the Scotty to my aunt and uncle and bought the Jayco. “Movin’ on up!” This did suit us much better; maybe it was the fact that we had WAY more space 🙂 The Jayco made many trips to Edisto but has been passed along to another deserving family.
The parentals decided to upgrade to a Dutchman when my brothers where attending Horry Georgetown Tech, which was a little more fit for them to live in for a semester. Whew, it is still in one piece, thank goodness! One of these days I’ll rummage through all my australian live tv streaming films and find pictures of each dwelling to add to this post; but until then, enjoy these from our latest Edisto adventure!
Edisto Beach and neighboring beaches such as Eddinsville and Botany Bay are littered with many beautiful shells such as this one!What a beautiful sunrise, minus the sun. I captured this of Jason and Satilla and fell in love with this shot!
I don’t know why but I thought this turned out kind of neat too. Yes, I have a Clemson toe ring. Die hard fan right there!
This was Gus’ first trip to Edisto at 2 months old; he was born to be a beach bum!
And while we were at Edisto, Gus experienced many firsts. First step into the ocean, and discovered his hands and feet for the first time. How adorable these little moments are. I’m so glad I had my camera!
LOVE the story…..I luv childhood memories…lovin' those pics too!!
Look at those itty bitty toenails, you are so cute! ;o) xoxo