Well, I’m not exactly through the 2nd trimester just yet, but so much has occured that if I don’t write about it now, you will be reading a book instead of simply a post. This post will encompass all that has occurred between weeks 13 and 19. I’m beginning week 20 of pregnancy and according to babycenter.com, Baby J is as long as a banana :O) I love their comparisons to fruit; I can so relate. The baby started about the size of a raisin and has progressed through, grape, lime, avocado, and now banana. I can’t wait to see what it’s compared to next.
Week 20 is the week everyone anticipates during pregnancy because you can determine the gender. However, Jason and I have decided to keep everyone in suspense and not learn the gender of our baby. I’m constantly asked, “are you CRAZY girl?” The answer… no. I just don’t mind not knowing because I’ve always LOVED surprises and can control myself and wait. Plus, I’m very ok with green and yellow.
Moving to my experiences… I’ve battled a pounding heart sometimes after I eat. Not slowing down, or speeding up, just pounding. I literally feel like one of those cartoon characters that falls in love at first sight and you can see it’s heart jolt out from it’s chest a couple of times. I was concerned about this, so of course, asked the doc about it, and he informed me that everything was fine. FINE!?! How could this be fine? Well apparently a woman’s cardio activity increases 100% during pregnancy. I had no clue. So my heart is doing double duty, and my body is producing more and more blood.
I have a suspicion that this pounding heart issue is also tied to digestion. The doctors explained that during pregnancy I need to eat 5 small meals a day rather than 3 normal sized meals. They didn’t really explain why, so I just thought, well… it’s better for baby that way. OMG… no; I think it is related to the fact that I CAN’T BREATHE after I eat what I normally used to eat in a sitting. There just simply isn’t enough room for the stomach in there.
While we are on the subject of eating, I’m reminded of one instance in the kitchen. I’ve noticed that I’ve become kind of absent-minded! (haha… not funny ya’ll. Yes; even more than usual!) Charlotte-land has become reality even to the neighbors. So… they were over one night for supper, and we were having steamed broccoli as a side. I was steaming the broccoli… and… scorched the bottom of the first batch. Ok, ok, so I lost track of time and how much water was in the bottom of the steamer. I was looking at pictures with everyone else. Can ya blame me? So, I started a new batch after salvaging what I could of the first.
After 5 minutes I noticed that our steamer was not working anymore. UGH! How could this be; it just worked wonderfully on the first batch. I called Jason in from the grill and had him take a look at it. I explained that it heats up but then cuts off (and I had repeated this procedure like 3 times just to check and make sure.) He asked if I had put water in the steamer. COME on… duh, who wouldn’t do that. Yes, I had put water in the steamer. So I went through the procedure again to show him. During the 5 minute wait until it cuts off, I began digging through the fridge for something else to cook as a side. Then, I noticed the laughter. Did I have something on my butt? Why were they laughing? Ok, so I HAD put water in the steamer but then dumped it out again because it had that brown tint to it from the remnants of the first batch of scorched broccoli. I returned the steamer to the counter (without the brown water) and went on about my business, and five minutes later was bummed that our steamer was broken. WOW.
I’ve also attempted homemade chicken noodle soup in the crock pot which resulted in a big ‘ole knot on my forehead because I dropped the crock pot lid on it as I pulled it from the cabinet. It also resulted in us eating stouffers lasagna for supper because being in the hurry that I was, I dumped all the noodles in as I added the rest of the ingredients that were to cook 4-6 hrs. Needless to say, it became chicken noodle mush and looked like something Satilla had just puked up.
Not only absent-mindedness, but clumsiness has set in. I cannot hold on to anything. It’s like I truly have butter fingers and drop EVERYTHING. It drives me crazy. Do you know how many utensils I go through in the kitchen?!? Or how fat Satilla is becoming because I drop more food on the floor now than I used to. It’s crazy!
Cravings… well, I’m still all about some CHEESE (as mentioned in the post about my 1st trimester, 1 down 2 more to go)! Mexican cheese dip, pizza, grilled cheese samiches, Cheez Its, Cheesy poofs, or just bites of block cheese. But you can also add lemonade to the list. I cannot go into town and drive by Panera Bread, Chick-fil-a, or McCalisters Deli without stopping in for a big glass of their tart lemonade!
And… I think the nesting stage has begun. We only have a 2 room house and our guest room will be used as the baby’s room now. It had become our storage room apparently because I have invested like $50 in plastic storage boxes which are stacked in our bedroom now to be moved to the attic (when I can convince Jason to put in a floor up there). Jason cracked up when he came in from duck hunting one Saturday and our room was overflowing with Rubbermaids… all labeled too! The most laughing occurred when he was reading the labels and discovered the container labeled “containers.” LOL. Maybe I should just throw everything away.
I’ve also reached the point that the “rubber band method” of keeping my pants fastened has become seriously uncomfortable. And my shirts have started showing my midriff so… I had to make the transition around week 16. I’ve become part of a wonderful ladies group here in TN with several who have been generous enough to share their maternity clothes with me. And Jason has even noted my lack of comfort and asked all the ladies he works with about where to find “pregnant clothes.” Bless him. So… I haven’t had to buy too many things so far which has been a blessing!
Now Babies R Us is another story. I’ve been there one time now and was seriously overwhelmed. I went ahead and registered for a few things, but will definitely continue that process online. Who knew there were so many different types of bottle nipples… or 10 different types of bath tubs for infants, or 1,927 different sippy cups to choose from, or 19 different types of baby gates or… ok. ok. You get my drift.
But the coolest thing occurred around week 16. I felt Baby J move for the first time, although it wasn’t confirmed until week 19. I was driving down the road, complete in my rubber band fastened pants, and I felt what can be compared to 3 thumps on the front of my belly just under my belly button. I wondered if it could be, but said nah. And it didn’t happen again until 3 weeks later and has been happening ever since. Lots of folks have said it would feel like a butterfly fluttering in my stomach, but I haven’t felt that butterfly yet. What I feel is thumping, like I said. And it mostly occurs when I’m slouching and my pants are tight over my stomach. I guess the little one decides well maybe if I kick her she’ll lean back and give me some space in here because it will stop as soon as I stretch out. LOL.
Woah… this ended up being longer than I thought it would. I’ll have to write sooner next time and keep these posts a little shorter. And, I know lots of you have been itching to see pics of the baby belly. Don’t worry no naked belly shots for me; no way! Once I’m out of the just looking fat stage, and actually have a true baby bump that fills out my “pregnant clothes” I’ll post a pic or 2. Until then…
I literally cringed when I read about the crockpot lid…OUCH! Bless your little heart, you better be careful, I am going to worry about you & your little butterfingers! Anytime you need a pizza partner let me know :O) much love
Oh girl! I agree with every word you said! Ha. Babys R Us was a complete absurdity with all the stuff they had. Chisolm broke out in a sweat and we left. Hilarious. I, too, will continue the process online. And if you haven’t heard, IT’S A GIRL!