I was asked recently, “how’s your business going?” My mind immediately went to photography and I was trying to figure out the best way to answer her question. Because the truth is, I only work for other photographers now— Charlotte Ashley Photography only exists as a bank account now, to separate my earnings and still file legit taxes. It’s sad, yes; but it’s a season. I keep telling myself that. And I still LOVE photography, and always have a camera with me! Homeschooling is top priority and we’ve had our struggles to work through, which requires all of me– not the half of me I was able to give, while running a business. I guess she could sense the question in my mind, and said, “oh, I mean your oils business.” lol
My mind abruptly signaled ABORT, ABORT (the photography thoughts), and change gears real quick. To which I babbled, “Ohhh, the oils business. It’s going really good! I love the flexibility of it.” Because look at my lifestyle right now—(for those of you who do not know, we are in Montana at the moment. You can follow more of that journey on Instagram! @charlotteashley or click here). And that was the end of the conversation, as our kids— 4 red-headed boys in total— turned our attention to their play. And it’s really all I could muster about it, to be honest.
I really haven’t found the best way to talk about it as if it’s a business, and never had an official “launch” as a business. All I know is, Young Living came into my life and immediately kicked butt and cleaned house. I was mulling over (and slightly depressed) about the photography biz being on the down swing, and it just swooped in and opened my eyes to a different way of running a business— one that EMBRACES family togetherness and community. With the photography business, I was constantly pawning my kid off on others; and while you hear the term “community over competition” in photography, there was ALWAYS competition. It’s simply not the case in the oils business. I’ve learned the true meaning of ‘community over competition’ in the Young Living world.
I began noticing that by talking about what I was learning and dropping the name “Young Living” in amongst the chatter, I AM MARKETING FOR THEM. Something I always hoped was the case with my photography biz name, when people would chat about photography with their friends. My mind shifted about multi-level marketing because of this and I. GIT. IT. now (yes, GIT. So much stronger than GET! ha!) I used to be that eye-roller and groaner when I would see a friend pitching his/her product. Now I think to myself, ‘YOU GO with your bad self!!! Do yo’ thang!’
The doors began to slowly shut on photography, and open to a different opportunity. If I will be singing Young Living’s praises anyways, you better believe Imma take advantage of this unbelievable referral program, since it’s something that will always be in our home! (Seriously, it’s like NO other referral program I’ve ever witnessed!) And that folks, is how it all started. Just the constant use of a referral link. NO idea a business would come from it. I didn’t find Young Living; Young Living found me and is stretching me in ways I didn’t even know were possible. And it’s not just essential oils, although that’s where it started. With Young Living comes the education to help you begin making smarter choices regarding your health **IF** you are at the point in your life, you are open to it. So for me… it was that mindset shift. It wasn’t that I hadn’t heard of Young Living before. I immediately used to write it off because it was a MLM company— same for any MLM. But for 3 years now, they’ve not given me ONE reason to drop them like a hot potato. Because I sho will if they do!!! INTEGRITY is of utmost importance to me! And my family!!!
For us,Young Living was a vessel to finalize our lifestyle change. We had already begun the shift some years ago after my father-in-law suffered a massive heart attack. It was game on for my husband after that, to monitor what he was putting in and on his body— it started with research of foods, and then that research led to learning about off-gassing chemicals from vinyl/ plastic household products, then chemicals in dryer sheets, shampoos, lotions etc. And naturally, it trickled down to me. Yep, you read that right— my husband used to be more healthy/crunchy than me! lol Young Living was the last step that made organic/healthy living attainable on one income… because healthy living is expensive; ain’t gonna lie! I quickly learned how to financially cover my Young Living products myself, and it just blossomed from there.
So to better answer the question “how’s your business going?”.… It’s going GREAT! I LOVE my Young Living products. They work for our family. And I make money each month to help our family and still have the majority of my time to homeschool our child. It’s set up to promote family togetherness, which I’m SO very thankful for; AND it’s set up to promote community. Young Living has this figured out! I can’t sit here today and say, “I do this, and I do that…” because it’s SO much more than just me. I have a community of amazing, and like-minded people that I get to surround myself with, in this. And for that I will be eternally grateful! And I’m grateful for all of you who have trusted me in this journey so far… even before I fully understood all of the business side of Young Living. I mean it when I say I’m always here for you on your individual wellness journey. The power is in the plants, people!!! It tells us so, right there in the Bible, too. (Ezekiel 47:12).
“And on the banks, on both sides of the river, there will grow all kinds of trees for food. Their leaves will not wither, nor their fruit fail, but they will bear fresh fruit every month, because the water for them flows from the sanctuary. Their fruit will be for food, and their leaves for healing.”
If you’re ready to take the plunge and conquer the wellness that could potentially surround you and your family, I would LOVE to help guide you. Please contact me by emailing [email protected] ! Or if you would rather just jump aboard and chat after that, you can join my team here: (click here).