I’m starting a series I will be entitling “Hubby Humor” from now on. I just love my husband to death; he does things that are so stinking funny sometimes (to me at least). First I wanted to share what I found in our refrigerator last night when I opened it for a late night swig of tea. Jason made his daily stop by Fish Tales, a local bait and tackle shop in Cleveland, on his way home from work. Apparently this fishing line will be discontinued to his disappointment; he LOVES it. So to preserve, yep, he put it with the condiments in the fridge.
Secondly, disgusted with being a “forester/ soil scientist/ hydrologist/ watershed specialist” who spends 75% of his working hours behind a desk and at a computer writing environmental assessments (EA’s) who used to be really physically fit from working the farm, he’s decided he needs a change. So we are now the proud owners, via infomercial, of the P90x workout system complete with Iron Gym Xtreme chin-up bar. I do have to say I’m really excited about this because I also love a good workout!