About 2 years ago, my hubby and I moved to TN. The house we bought definitely needed an upgrade to the walkway that runs from the driveway to the backdoor. Well… I was in charge of this little project for a year; however, I must add that I never could keep the “man power” around the house long enough to dig out the dry, hard-as-crap soil that makes up our yard due to his hunting and fishing hobbies.
Then, September 2008 we found out that we were expecting our first child. About 3 months along, I asked the hubs about fixing our walkway again (or at least digging the base for me) because on more than one occasion I have slipped on the gravel and busted it due to the 30% slope that it rests on; and, of course I didn’t want this happening later in pregnancy while harboring 35 more pounds than normal.
Well I’m proud to announce that 4 days being past due with child, the project is underway! Bless him.