I’ve heard many a man talk about how much they LOVE to fish; including mine. This commercial explains the “real” reason why. Maybe we drive them bonkers at home!?! I am a woman and I love to fish, and my hubby will surely take me along if I wanted to go; I just think this commercial is so darn funny!!! (wish I could have found an html code) There really is more to fishing for a guy than some of us women will EVER understand… how’s the weather affecting feeding habit? Which lure will work best in mucky water on a cloudy day? Am I fishing too deep? Is the water temperature to warm? Can the fish see my copolymer fishing line? Am I reeling the bait too slow?
OMG; Why bother? What ever happened to a cork, worm, and a bamboo pole waiting for the bite?
exactly! what happened to 'you & me goin' fishin' in the dark?' no worries with the cane pole right? ha ha…guess we'd make good pioneers.