I’m often asked how I started down the road of photography as a business. Well… I examined my 28 years of life and discovered that no matter the route being traveled there was always a camera involved. Here are a couple of examples of what I mean. I worked for the US Forest Service two summers during college and cruising…
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Our Very Own Photo Shoot
Too bad we can’t get any ‘family’ photos when we do these photo shoots; and the tripod just doesn’t cut it. Check out these awesome images from when Gus was 5 mths old. Yep. Playing catch up again with the ole bloggeroonie. I wanted to have some photos taken in the same spot as these maternity ones. Isn’t my hubby…
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Fascinated With Feet
Ok. This is how terrible I am at blogging. My son is now 6.5 months old, but here are some photos of him I captured at 5 mths. He is growing like a weed and I can’t even believe how he has changed. I love this little booger so much!! As you can see, he became really fascinated with his…
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