Not sure if this was the smartest biz decision ever, but hey, meeting clients in a mud-covered F150 or the uneasy rider S10 didn’t seem so professional. Check the new ride 🙂 Merry Christmas to me!
Hubby Humor of the Day
I crack UP at my husband any time we eat collard greens, black-eyed peas, butter beans and rice or anything that requires his pepper vinegar. He is so proud each time he pulls a jar from the fridge or cupboard and boldly exclaims how ‘pretty’ his pepper vinegar is. Don’t you think so? lol. He even smiled for a picture…
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IHF – "Hilarious Outtakes"
When I saw the photo challenge this week for I Heart Faces I could not resist posting these photos! The first is my brother and his fiance… I just love the laugh that I captured from my brother after a wave crashed all over her 🙂 The second is a little girl that I had the pleasure of photographing… she…
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