Seems like the past 10 years or so, I’ve missed all the ‘big’ snow events that my parents/ brothers/ in-laws– everyone kin to me– have witnessed as I was either in South GA at college or Clemson which would only get about 2 or 3 inches. I was even SO excited to move to East TN for 2.5 years thinking I would finally see some descent snow; however, that of course didn’t happen until the exact day we were moving back to SC (6 inches). FINALLY!!!– I was able to relax and enjoy some perfect snow, in Lexington of all places. lol. Enjoy these beautiful pictures. I had soo much fun playing 🙂
I must say I’m extremely proud of this one! My hubs and I had so much fun building a snowman. The snow was PERFECT for it, and didn’t get all grassy and dirty either.
Oh how I love birds. And trees. And just nature in general. God is so gracious!
This is my grandparents farm house. They just moved out of it about 6 months ago to a more updated modular home. Chopping and hauling wood and fighting with the squirrels finally became too much for them. My Granny deserved a shower too! (only a tub in the ole house) lol.
I KNEW this would be an awsome picture when I mashed the button. The snow fell from the tree right when I snapped it. Amazing.
Of course, I have many pictures of my son and doggie daughter! This one I particularly love for some reason. Probably because it has a tree in it! lol
And oh, the many pictures I took of this sweet little boy! He is 7 months old and hopefully from these pictures he will remember his first extended day in the snow. (We stopped in Johnson City, TN and snapped some pics in the snow, but never was he able to play!)
The two handsome men in my life!
I was so glad to capture a good picture of Satilla in the picture with little man! She was standing in the perfect position 🙂
Play time with Daddy! “I sure do love his shiny sunglasses”
Awww. Boots! (I heart cowboys!)
The farmhouse is gorgeous…I love it Charlotte, I am convinced you should move in!!!
Plus, the pic with Satilla & the tree would be PERFECT for your tree design we've been looking for!