I am always thrilled to take part as second photographer at a wedding! I just LOVE the excitement and love in the air 🙂 Here are some of the photos I captured and absolutely adore from J and H’s wedding day. Thanks to my pa-in-law for having me along to help (and acquire some practice)! This wedding, I must say, took part in the smallest church I have ever been in. It was so cute and served not only as a Baptist church, but also a Presbyterian church on the 2nd and 4th Sundays, and 5th Sunday odd months. LOL
Here are a few wedding details. OMG how I loved the bride’s hot pink shoes and cutie patootie twin flower girls. There were actually four little flower girls, which I captured many cute pictures of, but I couldn’t pass up posting this shot of the twins.
And this little darlin’ was a niece to the bride. Here are the bride’s two sisters running to the the front of the church to make their entrance.
J is such a beautiful bride. H wanted to make sure J signed on the correct line! lol.
The reception was amazing; my type of reception 🙂 It was located at a beautiful outdoor location under a big white tent with the feel of Fall in the air for sure. Check out the awesome decor. The flower girls were feeding the horses the apples from the table decorations.
I always look for the mother/ daughter embrace. It was one of the most special times for me as a bride and I think it was a special time here! Awww. *tears*
Great photos, Charlotte! Cannot wait until it is Ryan and Kimberly's big day!