If you’ve found your way to this post, I’m either assuming you followed the link here from my Facebook post, or you are researching ways in which the essential oil Stress Away has helped people. Either way… WELCOME! 😀
I’ve decided to blog my experiences with essential oils because I’m slowly becoming a believer in them. I hate that it has taken me this long to better my family through the use of them, but the fact is simply that #momlife puts me on the struggle bus more often than not– seriously, where does the time in a day go??? I’m also resorting to blogging about my experiences for the fact that I don’t want to clog my friends’ Facebook newsfeeds too bad with too many things oily. I’ve already heard that I’m “becoming crunchier by the day” LOL!!! Soooo… I don’t want to run people off with that. I look to social media as a refreshing, fun, party-like outlet, and well… I assume others think like I do too, maybe. So yeah, I’m meeting up with y’all– my select favorite friends over here, on the blog, for the after party! HAHAHA
Let’s get back to our beloved Stress Away though. How did I even learn about it? My journey with Stress Away began in December 2016 after I began experiencing what was deemed as anxiety attacks after a very thorough series of tests on my heart. I was experiencing serious heart palpitations (days in a row) and chest tightness which landed me at the cardiologist. SUCH A SCARY EXPERIENCE!!! Naturally, when the doc told me the results from all tests looked absolutely fine and that I may just need to calm down a bit (I honestly didn’t even know I was stressing out about things), I decided right then that I needed to figure out how to nip this in the bud as opposed to living life as an anxious mess. Because we all know that can lead to other serious health issues. So… low and behold, about the same time frame, I was introduced to Young Living (YL) by one of my cousins during the Christmas holidays. And within the YL premium starter kit comes an oil named STRESS AWAY. Well hello there you sweet oil that might help me calm myself down from time to time! And IT DOES. I am now at the point that I can feel these little attacks coming on, and I know I best be finding my bottle of Stress Away (and proceed to lather myself in it. lol), a quiet room, a notebook, and a pen and just commence to writing down every overwhelming thought running through my mind. It’s amazing what is running through my mind all at one time! And so there you have it, the oil that has literally aided me in CALMING DOWN. That sounds so. strange, I know. My husband says that it’s all in my head– he has such a way with words! lol Well I say… maybe it is, but IT HELPS. I mean… there really is such a thing as aromatherapy, and I am now 100% a believer!!! BUTTTTTT. Uh oh… there it is. BUT– I DO believe there is a level of educating yourself that should come with it!
I admit, I am a skeptic of SO many things, and yes, essential oils were one of them. I even tried them 2 years ago, but simply put, it just wasn’t my time with them. And I did not educate myself about them nor did I use them as consistently as I should have to reap the benefits. So… I am making it my mission to share this journey with you. But I don’t want to junk up anybody’s newsfeed too bad, so I’ve created a special place for this journey. I would love for you to be a part of it and us learn together, share together, grow together, ALL OF THE TOGETHERNESS! Because I need to hear real life stories from people I KNOW, and people who are genuinely interested! … and that’s what I envision for this little group. There are SAFE ways to use oils and that’s what I’m immersing myself into at this moment in time, and I want you to reap the benefits as well!
I look forward to partying with you, my select oily friends!!! See you all there as we all blossom in this journey together! CLICK HERE
And if you would rather not party with us, but would like to simply try the oils out for yourself and THEN join us, you can access the premium starter kit here (hey, HEY! It comes with a diffuser!): CLICK HERE
Have so much oily fun!!!