Ahhhh… I just realized I haven’t shared my trip to Salt Lake City, UT for the Young Living Silver Retreat, on the blog! It was absolutely amazing!!! I ventured out on an all-expense paid trip by Young Living, for education and training, September 29- October 2, 2021. This trip couldn’t have been made though, without acknowledging my amazing team and leaders, who trusted me and pushed me out of my comfort zone along the way. 😉
There is one question that I’m always asked…
• w h y •
Why Young Living? Why that company versus others? It’s simple— seed.to.seal. What is THAT? It is a promise. A promise of purity from the moment the seed is put into the ground to the moment the bottle is sealed and sold. A promise that I was able to witness first hand! When Young Living says, “we do not use herbicides or pesticides on our plants; we do not waste water and do our best to reuse what we can; our farms are organic; and our soil is top priority,” I BELIEVE IT!
I saw the sheep in the fields used as weed control + fertilizer. I saw the heat exchanger (for cooling water recirculation) and the floral water pond (for irrigation). Nothing is wasted! I saw the compost (distilled plant material/ waste from farm animals/ grass clippings) for fertilization. I saw the replanting practices. I saw it all with my own eyes, in operation, and even participated in it. And this isn’t the first Young Living farm I’ve visited; I saw sustainable agriculture in practice at the other one, too! And Young Living owns its own farms all around the world, where each are held to these standards.
THIS is the why. The sustainability- thinking of our children and grand-children and the lands they will inherit; the most efficient use of renewable and non-renewable resources; and the protection of public health. But most importantly, the integrity and heart of the company! 💜
Tell us… why did you choose Young Living? Or if not, is your company transparent with their agriculture practices?
Not started yet, but want to, hop on over to Young Living (click here).