I am in LOVE with this wedding on so many levels! Katherine and Andrew were married on November 18, 2017, with a beautiful wedding ceremony and reception at The Lace House in Columbia, SC. It was the perfect Fall evening for an outdoor wedding ceremony and reception! Katherine and Andrew met as college students working at Chili’s… and the rest…
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Henry + Brooke
Meet Henry and Brooke! Two of the cutest newborns I’ve ever seen! Amiright?!!! These little blessings from above are nothing but pure sweetness! I am so blessed to have been their photographer!!!
A Lifestyle Change | Part 2
The lifestyle change in my last blog post that started with our diets, due to several family illnesses, (CLICK HERE), led to that snowball effect I mentioned… which became a journey for my family. Soon after we corrected some of our dietary habits mentioned before, my research led me to several other concerns that had been lurking in my life….
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